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CEE Group realizes financing for one of the currently largest solar parks in Germany seated in Döllen with DAL and ENGIE

The Ham­burg-based CEE Group, asset man­ag­er for renew­able ener­gies, has worked with DAL Deutsche Anla­gen-Leas­ing GmbH & Co. KG to imple­ment the financ­ing for a PPA-based solar project in Döllen, Bran­den­burg. The PPA part­ner is the glob­al­ly active ENGIE Group. The Döllen solar park is one of the largest ground-mount­ed PV parks in Ger­many. With around 280,000 mod­ules, it will have a peak out­put of 154.4 megawatts peak (MWp) when com­plet­ed.

With the sup­port of this project, DAL is expand­ing its posi­tion as an inno­va­tion leader in PPA struc­tures. It is financ­ing the Döllen solar park through Deutsche Leas­ing Finance as lead man­ag­er with the con­sor­tium part­ners Sparkasse Ober­hessen and Sparkasse Han­nover based on a long-term pow­er pur­chase agree­ment (PPA). By com­bin­ing long-term funds from the Kred­i­tanstalt für Wieder­auf­bau (KfW) with Sparkasse loans, the opti­mal struc­ture for project financ­ing was achieved.

The PPA con­tract with the inter­na­tion­al ener­gy sup­ply com­pa­ny ENGIE has a term of 10 years. ENGIE has been one of the world’s lead­ing providers of pow­er pur­chase agree­ments from wind and pho­to­volta­ic plants for many years. At the inter­face between ener­gy pro­duc­ers and ener­gy buy­ers, the com­pa­ny struc­tures its prod­ucts to pre­cise­ly fit the needs of com­pa­nies that want to use Pow­er Pur­chase Agree­ments to achieve their cli­mate goals. Once com­plet­ed, the Döllen solar farm will sup­ply around 160,000 megawatt hours of “green elec­tric­i­ty” per year — equiv­a­lent to the con­sump­tion of a medi­um-sized small town with around 64,000 house­holds. Con­struc­tion of the PV project began in May 2022. Com­mis­sion­ing of this mile­stone project for sus­tain­able ener­gy gen­er­a­tion is sched­uled for the first half of 2023.

Milestone project of the energy turnaround realized with experienced partners

Dr. Peer Günzel, Head of Sales Infra­struc­ture & Util­i­ties, DAL: “We are pleased to have been able to sup­port our client CEE Group in this excit­ing major project and to con­tribute our exper­tise in PPA-based financ­ing. We want to expand our mar­ket-lead­ing posi­tion, also as a com­pe­tence cen­ter of the Sparkassen-Finanz­gruppe for sus­tain­able ener­gy projects. From there, we look for­ward to fur­ther excit­ing projects in this seg­ment with strong part­ners like CEE Group.”

Katrin Fuhrmann, Head of Orig­i­na­tion at ENGIE: “We are pleased to take anoth­er step towards cli­mate neu­tral­i­ty togeth­er with CEE Group and DAL. Our part­ner­ship approach has enabled us to advance the mar­ket inte­gra­tion of renew­ables even in an extreme­ly volatile mar­ket envi­ron­ment char­ac­ter­ized by reg­u­la­to­ry uncer­tain­ties.”

Antje Gru­ber, Senior Project Man­ag­er, DAL: “Man­ag­ing such a mega project in times of sup­ply chain issues and dis­lo­ca­tions in the elec­tric­i­ty mar­kets was a real chal­lenge. Many thanks for the very pro­fes­sion­al and trust­ful coop­er­a­tion to the project team of CEE Group and their part­ners antlike Solar, Gold­beck Solar AG and the mod­ule sup­pli­er Chint Solar. We would also like to thank Sparkasse Ober­hessen and Sparkasse Han­nover, on whom we could once again rely in a proven part­ner­ship and who com­plet­ed the bank con­sor­tium.”

Detlef Schreiber, CEO of the CEE Group: “The new solar park at the Döllen site impress­es with a nom­i­nal out­put of over 154 MWp and at the same time illus­trates in this dimen­sion the poten­tial of renew­able ener­gies as a cen­tral build­ing block of the ener­gy tran­si­tion. This is indis­pens­able for cli­mate pro­tec­tion and, in view of geopo­lit­i­cal uncer­tain­ties, also con­tributes to ener­gy sov­er­eign­ty. We are pleased to be able to suc­cess­ful­ly real­ize this mile­stone project, the largest in our port­fo­lio, with the sup­port of our expe­ri­enced part­ners DAL and ENGIE in a very coop­er­a­tive man­ner.”



About DAL:

DAL is one of the lead­ing spe­cial­ists in the real­iza­tion of large-vol­ume, asset-based invest­ment projects, with an accom­pa­nied trans­ac­tion vol­ume of more than EUR 2.4 bil­lion per year. As the ener­gy com­pe­tence cen­ter of the sav­ings banks, DAL gives its cus­tomers access to the financ­ing pow­er of a strong and reli­able finan­cial group. DAL struc­tures and arranges the financ­ing of PPA projects in Ger­many and select­ed Euro­pean coun­tries.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion:



About ENGIE-Gruppe:

Our Group is a glob­al ref­er­ence in low-car­bon ener­gy and ser­vices. Togeth­er with our 101,500 employ­ees, cus­tomers, part­ners and stake­hold­ers, we are com­mit­ted to accel­er­at­ing the tran­si­tion to a car­bon neu­tral world by reduc­ing ener­gy con­sump­tion and pro­vid­ing green­er solu­tions. Inspired by our cor­po­rate pur­pose (“rai­son d’être”), we bal­ance eco­nom­ic per­for­mance with a pos­i­tive impact on peo­ple and the plan­et by build­ing on our core busi­ness­es (gas, renew­ables, ser­vices) to offer com­pet­i­tive solu­tions to our cus­tomers. Our rev­enue in 2021 was 57.9 bil­lion euros. The Group is list­ed on the Paris and Brus­sels stock exchanges (ENGI) and is includ­ed in the main finan­cial indices (CAC 40, Euronext 100, FTSE Euro­top 100, MSCI Europe) and non­fi­nan­cial indices (DJSI World, DJSI Europe and Euronext Vigeo Eiris — World 120, Euro­zone 120, Europe 120, France 20,CAC 40 Gov­er­nance).

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion:

About CEE Group:

CEE Group is a Ham­burg-based asset man­ag­er spe­cial­iz­ing in renew­able ener­gy. With a track record of over 90 trans­ac­tions in the renew­able ener­gy sec­tor and a port­fo­lio of over 2.3 bil­lion Euros in assets under man­age­ment, CEE is a com­pe­tent and reli­able part­ner. Since its incep­tion, CEE’s main focus has been on wind and solar ener­gy. The CEE Group has 45 onshore wind pow­er plants with an installed capac­i­ty of around 636 MW and pho­to­volta­ic plants with around 891 MWp. The total capac­i­ty thus amounts to around 1.527 bil­lion kilo­watt hours. (Data as of Decem­ber 2022)

As an inter­na­tion­al­ly oper­at­ing com­pa­ny, the CEE Group offers its cus­tomers sus­tain­able invest­ment con­cepts with long-term return oppor­tu­ni­ties in the growth mar­ket for renew­able ener­gies. With its inde­pen­dent­ly oper­at­ing com­pa­nies, the com­pa­ny has a com­pre­hen­sive range of ser­vices for projects in this seg­ment. Investors are in par­tic­u­lar insti­tu­tion­al investors with a long-term inter­est in renew­able ener­gies.

For questions and further information:

Con­tact DAL:
Michael Schor­ling
Divi­sion Man­ag­er Head of Staff & Con­trol
Press Offi­cer
Phone: +49 6131 804‑1100

Con­tact Engie-Gruppe:
Alexa Schröder
Divi­sion Man­ag­er Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions
Phone: +49 30 915810–250

Con­tact CEE Group:
Alexan­der Mey­er
Invest­ment Ana­lyst
Phone.: +49 40 688 788–0

Con­tact Presse CEE Group:
pub­lic imag­ing GmbH
Jörg Brans
Phone: +40 40 401999–31

pub­lic imag­ing GmbH
Sybille Cor­nell
Phone: +40 40 401999–288



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