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The CEE Renewable Fund 8 invests in innovative renewable energy projects to specifically drive the energy transition

  • Energy Transition Fund
  • SFDR Article 9
  • Building a diversified portfolio across countries and technologies
  • Attractive return potential through the hybridization of existing CEE Group investments
  • Target IRR of 7 – 9 %
  • Target distribution of 5% p.a. 
Over 20 years track record in deal sourcing 

The fund benefits from the entire know-how of the CEE Group. Our international 10-person M&A team reviews 35,640 MW of new projects on the Western and Northern European market every year. Only 358 MW make it to contractual agreement. These hand-picked assets meet our strict investment criteria and can therefore realize their full potential during their term. In addition to the core business of wind and photovoltaic (PV) plants, the fund invests in storage solutions.

Dealflow analysis 2023
Illustrative diagram; source: CEE Group

The target allocation of RF8


Wind, Photovoltaics (PV), and Storage


Core Europe

Return potential and diversification through hybridization of existing assets

In addition to the proven acquisition of developed projects, the fund focuses strongly on the hybridization of existing assets that we have been managing operationally for decades. We use the existing infrastructure and existing lease agreements and expand them. . 

In most cases, we have the opportunity to supplement wind turbines with solar PV. While solar PV generates energy during the day when the sun is shining, wind energy can be produced around the clock if wind is available. In combination, this allows a more constant energy production.  

Target IRR of >10% for the hybridization projects.  

Hybridization gets the most out of a grid connection
Hybridization is a method that combines different types of energy generation and storage options in a single location, thus sharing the same grid connection.

CEE Renewable Fund 8 (RF8) at a glance
  • SFDR Artikel 9
  • Term: 20 years 
  • Target return: 7-9 % IRR 
  • Target distribution: 5 % p.a. 
  • Target volume: € 750 million.
Do you have questions about our investments?

Get in touch!

Markus Tabojer
Head of Sales International
+49 40 688788-163

Sven Krukenberg
Head of Sales National
+49 40 688788-169


This is marketing information prepared by CEE Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH („CEE“) for the invest- ment concept or fund („Fund“) presented herein. The information contained herein is intended exclusively for professional and semi-professional investors within the meaning of the KAGB and has been prepared for general information purposes only. It does not constitute investment brokerage or investment advice, legal or tax advice or an offer, recommendation or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell units of the Fund.

The sole basis for the purchase of units of the fund is the conclusion of a subscription agreement and all sales documents of the fund mentioned therein, and CEE makes no representation, warranty or liability for the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or completeness of the information contained herein.

Information relating to future returns does not constitute a promise of return. Past performance and forecasts of future performance are no guarantee of actual future performance. The financial information contained herein and the opinions expressed are as of the date of publication and are subject to change.

The investment is associated with risks. The detailed risk information can be found in the current sales documents. Each potential investor should make their own independent assessment of the opportunities and risks of investing in the fund and seek their own professional advice. In particular, potential investors should check whether the investment in the fund is legal in their jurisdiction and complies with local regu- lations. Units in the fund can only be acquired by suitable investors on the basis of the current and solely binding sales documents. A current version of the sales documents is available free of charge on request from

Closed-end alternative investment funds (AIFs) are generally long-term investments and require a cor- respondingly long-term planned investment period. It may not be possible to resell the units, or only at a considerable discount. The redemption of units in the fund during the term of the fund is generally not possible.

Speersort 10  |  20095 Hamburg  |  +49 40 688788-0  |