From project acquisition to commissioning, our dedicated departments work together as a team to ensure that our assets enter their lifecycle at the highest possible quality. We monitor and optimize the assets throughout their operational phase and respond to regulatory changes that create new opportunities. Our goal is to preserve our existing properties, repower and/or hybridize them. We use state-of-the-art technology and pursue innovative sustainability concepts to achieve the best return for our investors and the environment. We achieve this through long-term and trusting partnerships with our stakeholders. Together we create responsible investments in wind energy and solar PV.
Asset Lifecycle Management
Together we create quality assets

»The fundamentals are crucial. We can only operate an asset successfully in the long term if we find attractive projects with reliable partners and negotiate contracts in the interests of our investors. Through our network and our excellent track record, we can source and structure the right financing and PPAs (power purchase agreements).«

»We speak on an equal footing with our landlords. Our longstanding commitment, integrity and personal presence ensures our unique status on site. This allows us to unlock the full potential of the land through repowering and hybridization. Together, we are shaping a sustainable future and creating attractive financial benefits for landlords.«

»By ensuring quality from the acquisition phase through to repowering, we create profitable assets. Our operational experience is incorporated into valuations and contracts. We support the construction phase in order to identify any deficiencies at an early stage and secure entitlements. During operation, we continuously monitor performance and framework conditions to implement adjustments.«

»We don‘t miss a thing as the tower of our assets. We monitor the systems daily and respond to alerts 24/7. We use innovative tools that provide and evaluate data down to the smallest components. On site, we work with connected mobile maintenance apps. In this way, we ensure maximum availability and long-term efficiency of the systems.«