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Due to innovative concepts for sustainable energy generation, we contribute to climate protection and at the same time build economically successful and long-term partnerships with institutional investors.

Our business model

As a fully integrated asset manager, we cover a wide range of functions along the value chain.

CEE Group at a glance

  • Established

    Comprehensive solar and wind portfolio in core Europe which was built-up over a time horizon of nearly two decades

  • Experienced

    Experienced transaction team for solar and wind

  • Integrated

    Amongst others we provide investment management, commercial and technical asset management, and AIF administration services

  • Strong network

    Strong network of developers, construction companies, equipment manufacturers, banks, power offtakers, and other power market participants 

    Facts and figures


    Founding date


    total nominal output
    in GW(p)


    wind and solar PV parks




    assets under management in billions of euros

    Our Assets

    Our wind and solar pv portfolio is primarily allocated in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Denmark and Sweden.

    Corporate structure

    The CEE Group is 100% owned by the Canadian Brookfield Asset Management Group, one of the world‘s leading infrastructure asset managers with 240,000 employees in over 30 countries and around USD 924 billion in assets under management.

    Our C-Level

    Detlef Schreiber
    Chief Executive Officer
    Konstantin Dornecker

    Chief Financial Officer
    Frank Grafe

    Chief Investment Officer
    Christian Bertsch-Engel

    Chief Operating Officer
    Steve Sowinski

    Chief Risk Officer
    Detlef Schreiber
    Chief Executive Officer

    Detlef is the CEO of CEE Group and the Managing Director of AIFM. He is responsible in particular for M&A, Asset Management, Sales, HR and Marketing & Communications. Detlef was involved in founding the CEE Group in 2000 and has had overall responsibility for the group as CEO since 2004. Before joining CEE Group, Detlef worked in asset management at Vereins- und Westbank AG. Under his leadership, CEE Group has developed into one of the leading German asset managers in the field of renewable energies. He has around 30 years of experience in asset management, structuring and portfolio management of open and closed-end capital market products. He holds a degree in business administration and a degree in financial economics (ebs).

    Konstantin Dornecker

    Chief Financial Officer

    Konstantin is the CFO of CEE Group. His areas of responsibility include finance, controlling and taxes. Konstantin joined CEE Group in 2014 and is a member of the executive board since 2018. Prior to joining CEE Group in 2014, he spent 13 years at EY. He has 8 years of relevant professional experience as a CFO, as a German CPA since 2007 and as a tax consultant since 2005. He holds a degree in business administration.

    Frank Grafe

    Chief Investment Officer

    Frank is the CIO of CEE Group. He is responsible for our investments, in particular for our project development. Since 2011 he is a member of the executive board. Overall, Frank has about 30 years of professional experience and almost 20 years of experience in the field of renewable energies, especially in the areas of project development and project acquisition as well as asset management of wind and solar pv projects; all this against a strong technical background. 

    Christian Bertsch-Engel

    Chief Operating Officer

    Christian is the COO of CEE Group. His areas of responsibility includes the operational asset management, work safety, IT and digitalization. Christian has been with CEE Group since 2014 and has been a member of the Management Board since 2018. He has more than 20 years of experience in the renewable energy sector. Previously, he was Managing Director of greentech, among others. He holds a Master of Science with a focus on ecology.  

    Steve Sowinski

    Chief Risk Officer

    Steve is the CRO of CEE Group. He is responsible for the areas of risk and fund management as well as legal and compliance of CEE Group. Steve joined CEE Group in 2014 and is a member of the management board since 2022. Prior to joining CEE Group, Steve held various management positions at MPC Capital Group and was head of asset management of the private equity and multi-asset funds as well as structu- re products. He has more than 20 years of experience in banking and regulatory law as well as in structu- ring and asset and risk management of open- and closed-end capital market products. He holds a Master of Science in Economics.

    Our values

    With our consistent commitment to create sustainable values, we distinguish ourselves as a reliable, successful and responsible energy producer, trustee/issuer and employer. This combination makes us one of the best asset managers for renewable energy

    Our memberships and certifications

    • Principles for Responsible Investment
      We signed the directive in 2018 and live by it.
    • Bundesverband WindEnergie
      We have been part of the legal advisory board since 2015.
    • Verband für Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz bei der Arbeit
      Since 2022, we have been actively shaping a safe and healthy work environment.
    • Initiative deutsche Infrastruktur e. V. 
      Since 2022, we have been actively shaping the world of work in a safe and healthy way.
    • Bundesverband Alternative Investments e. V.
      We have been part of this association since 2015.
    • ISO 27001
      Since 2018, our IT security has been state-of-the-art.
    • ISO 45001
      Since 2020, we have been committed to top-level occupational safety.
    • ISO 55001
      Since 2021, our asset management has been certified to international standards.

      Speersort 10  |  20095 Hamburg  |  +49 40 688788-0  |