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CEE Group acquires a 19.8 MW-wind farm in Germany

The Ham­burg-based CEE Group con­tin­ues to expand its wind port­fo­lio and is acquir­ing the Gol­len­berg wind farm cur­rent­ly under con­struc­tion in Rhein­land-Pfalz. The sell­er is juwi Energiepro­jek­te GmbH, which is also respon­si­ble for the con­struc­tion stage as gen­er­al con­trac­tor. The wind farm com­pris­es six Ves­ta V126 tur­bines. The hub height is 137 m, the rotor diam­e­ter is 126 m and the wind farm’s total capac­i­ty amounts to 19.8 megawatts (MW). After com­mis­sion­ing, the tur­bines will sup­ply envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pow­er to about 15,000 house­holds each year. The wind farm is expect­ed to be ful­ly con­nect­ed to the grid at the end of Jan­u­ary 2017.

CEE Oper­a­tions, which man­ages the CEE Group’s pow­er plant port­fo­lio, will be respon­si­ble for com­mer­cial oper­a­tions. juwi Oper­a­tions und Main­te­nance GmbH will assume respon­si­bil­i­ty for tech­ni­cal oper­a­tions. This is the fifth project that the CEE Group and juwi have imple­ment­ed joint­ly.

Detlef Schreiber, the CEE Group’s CEE, says: “By acquir­ing Gol­len­berg, CEE has also man­aged to con­tin­ue the growth strat­e­gy in the wind seg­ment in Ger­many in an extreme­ly chal­leng­ing mar­ket envi­ron­ment. Togeth­er with our reli­able part­ners, we also intend to con­tin­ue to grow out­side our core mar­kets.”

Michael Class, the juwi Group’s CEO, says: “The Gol­len­berg wind farm clear­ly demon­strates that tur­bines can be oper­at­ed prof­itably in the long term even at so-called low-wind sites thanks to mod­ern inland tech­nol­o­gy. We are very pleased to have imple­ment­ed this project with the CEE Group.”

The Gol­len­berg wind farm increas­es the CEE Group’s renew­ables port­fo­lio to about 556 MW. In 2017, CEE’s ener­gy plants will prob­a­bly pro­duce about 880,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of pow­er from renew­able sources.

Project Part­ners

Finan­cial mod­el review Tay­lor Wess­ing
Legal and tax due dili­genc: Tay­lor Wess­ing
Tech­ni­cal due dili­gence ren­er­co plan con­sult GmbH
Sell­er juwi Energiepro­jek­te GmbH
Gen­er­al con­trac­tor juwi Energiepro­jek­te GmbH
Tech­ni­cal oper­a­tor juwi Oper­a­tions und Main­te­nance GmbH
Finance part­ner Lan­des­bank Hes­sen-Thürin­gen Girozen­trale
Com­mer­cial oper­a­tor CEE Oper­a­tions GmbH
Ener­gy buy­er Direct mar­ket­ing under the Ger­man Renew­able Ener­gies Act (EEG): con­tract part­ner for the first five years: MVV Energie AG


Cor­po­rate enquiries for CEE Group:

Dr. Björn Keßel

Invest­ment Direc­tor

Tel: +49 40 688 788–63


Media enquiries for CEE Group:

Alexan­der Sti­er

Press / Mar­ket­ing

Tel: +49 40 688 788–62


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