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Around 1.5 million tons of CO2 saved per year: CEE Group portfolio surpasses the 100 project milestone

  • 101 renew­able ener­gy projects: The CEE Group’s port­fo­lio now com­pris­es a total of 54 solar parks and 47 wind parks with a total capac­i­ty of 1.9 GW
  • Total out­put increased by 25 per­cent: CEE Group expands capac­i­ty of its renew­able ener­gy projects to 1.9 gigawatts
  • CEE Group’s assets under man­age­ment rise to over 2.6 bil­lion euros: Eighth CEE Group Renew­able Fund to reach tar­get vol­ume of 750 mil­lion euros
  • More effi­cien­cy for the exist­ing port­fo­lio: CEE Group will suc­ces­sive­ly triple the capac­i­ty of its sites with repow­er­ing and hybridiza­tion

The CEE Group has reached an impor­tant mile­stone in its renew­able ener­gy port­fo­lio: With the acqui­si­tion of an 80.9 MWp solar park in Bran­den­burg, the port­fo­lio of the Ham­burg-based asset man­ag­er spe­cial­iz­ing in renew­able ener­gies now com­pris­es 101 projects. The 54 solar parks and 47 wind parks reached a total out­put of 1.9 gigawatts at the begin­ning of the year. This cor­re­sponds to an increase of around 35 per­cent com­pared to the pre­vi­ous year. This means that the CEE Group can sup­ply 885,300 house­holds — the equiv­a­lent of a city the size of Munich — with green ener­gy and thus help to avoid almost 1.5 mil­lion tons of CO2 emis­sions per year. One of the most impor­tant addi­tions to the CEE Group’s port­fo­lio last year was the com­mis­sion­ing of a solar park in Döllen. With an out­put of 154 MWp, the project is cur­rent­ly the third-largest solar site in Ger­many. In addi­tion, the CEE Group was able to expand its port­fo­lio in Spain to over 200 MWp last year.

Sig­nif­i­cant inflow of funds: Assets under man­age­ment of the CEE Group rise to EUR 2.6 bil­lion

Detlef Schreiber, CEO of the CEE Group, com­ments on the pos­i­tive devel­op­ment: “Last year alone, we invest­ed around 400 mil­lion euros in the expan­sion of our port­fo­lio. The ener­gy tran­si­tion is an impor­tant build­ing block for achiev­ing the Euro­pean CO2 tar­gets. With our port­fo­lio and our funds, we are cre­at­ing lucra­tive oppor­tu­ni­ties for insti­tu­tion­al investors to par­tic­i­pate in this. The inflow of cap­i­tal into our funds also shows that there is demand.” Last year, the CEE Group was able to increase its assets under man­age­ment from 2.3 to 2.6 bil­lion euros. It was only in Decem­ber that the CEE Group launched its eighth renew­able ener­gy fund, the CEE Renew­able Fund 8 (CEE RF 8), as a closed-end AIF for insti­tu­tion­al investors with a planned vol­ume of EUR 750 mil­lion.

Effi­cien­cy increase of up to 200 per­cent with repow­er­ing and hybridiza­tion

The CEE Group intends to con­tin­ue on its growth path. The asset man­ag­er plans to sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase the total out­put of its man­aged port­fo­lio of renew­able ener­gy projects to 2.5 gigawatts by the end of 2024. In the next five years, the capac­i­ty is even set to more than triple to 6.0 MW. The com­pa­ny is also break­ing new ground: “We are increas­ing­ly focus­ing on repow­er­ing in the fur­ther devel­op­ment of our port­fo­lio. We have been able to sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase our pro­duc­tion capac­i­ties in recent years through cor­re­spond­ing mea­sures at sev­en loca­tions,” says Detlef Schreiber. “We are also increas­ing­ly focus­ing on hybridiza­tion, for exam­ple sup­ple­ment­ing wind farms with solar and stor­age projects. These approach­es have numer­ous advan­tages. For exam­ple, less new land is required. Our investors also ben­e­fit from syn­er­gies, as parts of the exist­ing infra­struc­ture can con­tin­ue to be used.” By repow­er­ing and hybridiz­ing exist­ing parks and acquir­ing addi­tion­al lucra­tive assets, the CEE Group aims to suc­ces­sive­ly increase the total out­put of its port­fo­lios by up to 200 per­cent.

The asset man­ag­er has con­tin­u­ous­ly expand­ed the nec­es­sary tech­ni­cal exper­tise in recent years. Last year alone, the CEE Group expand­ed its work­force from 80 to 110 employ­ees — the com­pa­ny had already cre­at­ed its own team for the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the exist­ing port­fo­lio, which con­sists of expe­ri­enced project devel­op­ers. “We are con­vinced that we can only oper­ate our port­fo­lio of renew­able ener­gy projects opti­mal­ly for our investors if we have the nec­es­sary tech­ni­cal exper­tise in-house,” says Detlef Schreiber. “We man­age many of our sites inde­pen­dent­ly. This has enabled us to sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase the avail­abil­i­ty and there­fore the yields of our plants. Last year, our over­all port­fo­lio even gen­er­at­ed 5 per­cent more green ener­gy than expect­ed. This is also a suc­cess for our tech­ni­cal team.”

The CEE Group’s renew­able ener­gy port­fo­lio in fig­ures
Total capac­i­ty as of Jan­u­ary 1, 2024: 1,9 Gigawatt
House­holds sup­plied by cal­cu­la­tion: 885.287
Solar parks 54 projects (capac­i­ty 1.2 GWp)
Wind parks 47 projects (capac­i­ty 0.7 GW)
Avoid­ed CO2 emis­sions: 1.5 mil­lion tons per year
Largest project: Döllen solar park with 154 MWp
Cre­at­ed pow­er with repow­er­ing: 100 MWp in 2023
Projects in coun­tries: Ger­many, Nether­lands, France, Den­mark, Swe­den, Spain
Three ques­tions for Detlef Schreiber

“We want to triple the performance of our portfolio in five years”

Mr. Schreiber, the CEE Group’s port­fo­lio has reached an impor­tant mile­stone with 100 projects; what are
your next goals?

The ener­gy tran­si­tion is a project of enor­mous dimen­sions, there is still a lot to do (laughs). With our funds, such as our new­ly launched CEE RF8, we enable insti­tu­tion­al investors to par­tic­i­pate in and ben­e­fit from the devel­op­ment of this huge­ly impor­tant infra­struc­ture in Ger­many and Europe. Specif­i­cal­ly, we want to more than triple the total out­put of our port­fo­lio to 6GW over the next five years.

How do you intend to achieve this goal?

On the one hand, by con­tin­u­ing to iden­ti­fy lucra­tive projects for our funds and, on the oth­er, by fur­ther devel­op­ing our exist­ing port­fo­lio. We have had our own in-house project devel­op­ment team for some time now. By focus­ing on repow­er­ing and hybridiza­tion of our exist­ing sites in Ger­many alone, we will sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase the over­all per­for­mance of our port­fo­lio.

Where can you cur­rent­ly find attrac­tive projects?

Ger­many is and remains one of our most impor­tant loca­tions. Just last year, we com­mis­sioned our largest project to date with the solar park in Döllen — inci­den­tal­ly, at 154 MWp, the park is cur­rent­ly the third-largest solar site in Ger­many. We are also work­ing on fur­ther diver­si­fy­ing our port­fo­lio. Our projects are now spread across sev­en coun­tries in Europe. With the pur­chase of our solar park in Castil­la-La Man­cha at the end of 2023, we were able to expand our port­fo­lio in Spain to over 200 MWp. We are also inter­est­ed in the Nether­lands, where our port­fo­lio now has an out­put of around 350 MWp.

Thank you for the inter­view!

About CEE Group

The CEE Group is a Ham­burg-based asset man­ag­er spe­cial­iz­ing in renew­able ener­gies. With a track record of more than 100 trans­ac­tions in the renew­able ener­gy sec­tor and a port­fo­lio of around 2.6 bil­lion euros in assets under man­age­ment in Europe, CEE is a com­pe­tent and reli­able part­ner. The focus is on wind and solar ener­gy. The CEE Group has 47 onshore wind farms with an installed capac­i­ty of 0.7 GW and 54 pho­to­volta­ic projects with 1.2 GWp. (as of Decem­ber 31, 2023)

As an inter­na­tion­al com­pa­ny, the CEE Group offers its cus­tomers sus­tain­able invest­ment con­cepts with longterm return oppor­tu­ni­ties in the growth mar­ket for renew­able ener­gies. With its inde­pen­dent­ly oper­at­ing com­pa­nies, the com­pa­ny offers a com­pre­hen­sive range of ser­vices for projects in this seg­ment. Investors are pri­mar­i­ly insti­tu­tion­al investors with a long-term inter­est in renew­able ener­gies.

For questions and further information:

Press con­tact CEE Group:
redRobin. Strate­gic Pub­lic Rela­tions GmbH
Lenny Zywi­etz
Tel: +40 40 692 123 03

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