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CEE acquires a 20 megawatt wind farm in Mohon, France

Ham­burg, 15 Jan­u­ary 2016 – The acqui­si­tion of the Mohon wind farm on 29 Decem­ber 2015 con­clud­ed the suc­cess­ful expan­sion of CEE’s port­fo­lio in 2015. CEE, an invest­ment com­pa­ny spe­cial­is­ing in renew­able ener­gies, is one of the largest inde­pen­dent pro­duc­ers of green pow­er in Ger­many.

The Mohon wind farm is sit­u­at­ed in Brit­tany, about 70 km to the west of Rennes, and is cur­rent­ly under con­struc­tion. It is due to be com­mis­sioned in the sum­mer of 2016. The eno ener­gy group from Ros­tock, which will imple­ment the project devel­oped by its French sub­sidiary EEF, is the gen­er­al con­trac­tor and sell­er. The Mohon wind farm con­sists of ten wind tur­bines (Ves­ta V90, 2 megawatt (MW) each). The hub height of the tur­bines is 105 m and the rotor diam­e­ter is 90 m. The Mohon wind farm is expect­ed to pro­duce about 46,000 megawatt hours of sus­tain­able elec­tric­i­ty each year, which will be fed direct­ly into the French grid. After con­nec­tion to the grid, the spe­cial­ist CEE sub­sidiary CEE Oper­a­tions GmbH will man­age the com­mer­cial oper­a­tions, while eno ener­gy GmbH will be respon­si­ble for tech­ni­cal oper­a­tions.

After the Rehfeld wind farm in Bran­den­burg, this is the sec­ond project in which CEE has col­lab­o­rat­ed suc­cess­ful­ly with eno ener­gy. The Ham­burg-based com­pa­ny pre­vi­ous­ly had three French wind farms in its port­fo­lio. After the acqui­si­tion of the Mohon wind farm, CEE’s French port­fo­lio has grown to 64 MW. The rat­ed capac­i­ty of CEE’s over­all wind pow­er port­fo­lio will increase to 237 MW. Togeth­er with the solar parks, CEE’s over­all port­fo­lio had a capac­i­ty of 510 MW at the end of 2015.

Detlef Schreiber, CEE’s CEO, says: “The strength of our port­fo­lio remains in Ger­many as our core mar­ket. In addi­tion, we are cement­ing our posi­tion by diver­si­fy­ing into fur­ther Euro­pean mar­kets and are using the oppor­tu­ni­ties offered by a Euro­pean ener­gy pol­i­cy that focus­es on sus­tain­abil­i­ty. The suc­cess­ful expan­sion of our total port­fo­lio to 510 MW under­scores CEE’s strong com­pet­i­tive posi­tion.”

Project part­ners

Finan­cial due dili­gence Sterr-Kölln & Part­ner mbB
Legal/tax due dili­gence Sterr-Kölln & Part­ner mbB
Com­mer­cial due dili­gence Sterr-Kölln & Part­ner mbB
Sell­er eno ener­gy GmbH
Gen­er­al con­trac­tor eno ener­gy GmbH
Tech­ni­cal oper­a­tor eno ener­gy GmbH
Finance part­ner NORD/LB
Com­mer­cial oper­a­tor CEE Oper­a­tions GmbH
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