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CEE adds a new 23 megawatt wind farm in Thüringen to its portfolio

Ham­burg, 11 Jan­u­ary 2016 – CEE, the pri­vate equi­ty com­pa­ny that spe­cialis­es in renew­able ener­gies has acquired the West­eren­gel wind farm and con­tin­ues to grow in the core Ger­man mar­ket and strength­en its posi­tion as one of the largest inde­pen­dent pro­duc­ers of green elec­tric­i­ty in Ger­many.

The pri­vate equi­ty firm CEE is acquir­ing the West­eren­gel wind farm in Thurin­gen, which is cur­rent­ly under con­struc­tion. With a total capac­i­ty of 23.1 MW, the farm con­sists of sev­en 3.3 megawatt (MW) Ves­ta V112 tur­bines. The hub height is 140 m. The sell­er is WKN AG, Husum, with which CEE has already imple­ment­ed the Looft wind farm. After the planned com­mis­sion­ing at the end of H1 2016, CEE Oper­a­tions GmbH will be respon­si­ble for the com­mer­cial man­age­ment in West­eren­gel. The oper­a­tors expect more than 50,000 megawatt hours of green elec­tric­i­ty a year. Ener­gy con­sult GmbH, a com­pa­ny in the PNE WIND Group, is to be entrust­ed with the tech­ni­cal oper­a­tions. Fol­low­ing the acqui­si­tion of West­eren­gel, the wind pow­er port­fo­lio has grown to 217 MW, while the size of the over­all port­fo­lio increas­es to 490 MW.

Detlef Schreiber, CEE’s CEO, says: “The strength of our port­fo­lio is in Ger­many, our core mar­ket. We have the exper­tise and access to the projects that are need­ed to struc­ture a suc­cess­ful green pow­er port­fo­lio with an attrac­tive risk-return pro­file.”

Project part­ners

Finan­cial Due Dili­gence:
Tay­lor Wess­ing

Legal/Tax Due Dili­gence:
Tay­lor Wess­ing

Tech­ni­cal Due Dili­gence:
GEO-NET Umwelt­con­sult­ing GmbH und
TÜV SÜD Indus­trie Ser­vice GmbH


Gen­er­al con­trac­tor:

Tech­ni­cal oper­a­tor:
ener­gy Con­sult GmbH

Finance part­ner:
HSH Nord­bank AG

Com­mer­cial oper­a­tor:
CEE Oper­a­tions GmbH

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